PARIVAR International is a not-for-profit organization, based in North America, committed to serving Asian Indian and other immigrant community/families worldwide regardless of caste, creed, nationality or religion.
Family is one of the most valued institutions in the Indian and immigrant communities. However, in the pursuit of the American dream, the needs of the family often fall to the wayside. We often succeed professionally, but fail to nurture the vital relationships of marriage and family.
Parivar provides care and help for hurting individuals and families in the community. We provide professional, culturally sensitive care. Our caregivers have an Asian Indian background and understand the cultural dynamics that often color the issues that we struggle with.
Whether you are single or engaged, Parivar is committed to help prepare young people for a lasting and fulfilling marriage.
Whether you are newly married or old timers, whether your marriage is strong or struggling, Parivar is committed to help marital relationship grow and flourish.
Whether you have newborns or are grandparents, Parivar is committed to help you raise the next generation with purpose and a strong foundation.
Parivar means family in many of the Indian languages.